Microsoft has a free Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter utility. Use Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter
Double-click it to launch the uninstaller exe, and follow the instructions to uninstall the program that can’t uninstall in Windows 10. Next find an executable file named uninstaller.exe, uninstall.exe or alike name in the directory.If you don’t know it, you can right-click the target software icon and select Properties to check its location. Locate the directory where you installed the program in File Explorer.
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Check how to force uninstall a program that won’t uninstall in Windows 10 by using uninstaller. Generally it is located in the application root folder. Most third-party programs have a built-in uninstaller which is an executable file. You can also try to use the application own uninstaller to uninstall the program in Windows 10. Use the Application Own Uninstaller to Uninstall It Your computer may not run if you made some mistakes in editing registry, so be careful. Tip: It’s advised you back up the registry first before you make some registry editing, since it’s dangerous if you mess around the Windows Registry. And check if the program has been successfully uninstalled from your Windows 10 computer. Restart your computer to execute the changes.Click Yes to confirm the operation to delete the registry key of the program you’d like to uninstall. Find the subkey of the target program under Uninstall Right-click the application and click Delete option.Next click as the following path in the left panel: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/ Microsoft/ Windows/ CurrentVersion/ Uninstall.You can press Windows + R, type regedit, and press Enter to open Registry Editor Windows 10.Force Uninstall a Program That Won’t Uninstall via Registry Editor Fix Unable to Uninstall Program Windows 10 with 6 Tips Tip 1. The causes for why can’t remove a program on Windows 10 are not sure, but you can check the 6 solutions below for how to force uninstall a program that won’t uninstall in Windows 10. However, sometimes you may be unable to uninstall program Windows 10 from Control Panel, etc. Generally you can easily uninstall program in Windows 10 from Control Panel, Settings, or the “ Add or remove programs” in Start menu. MiniTool, as a top software developer, designs professional data recovery software, hard drive partition manager, system backup and restore software for users. Learn how to force uninstall a program Windows 10. If you are unable to uninstall program in Windows 10, this tutorial introduces 6 solutions to uninstall a program that won’t uninstall.